Dreams Never Die

Dreams Never Die

Hear an inside account of what happened after the decentralized music label Dreams Never Die decided to restructure from three former members of the startup

Kiddest Sinke, Cole Ryan, and Ben Frigeri had intimate roles at the web3 label Dreams Never Die — which despite raising $2.5 million, building a dedicated community of passionate music people, and recently selling out 1000 founder passes in less than 24 hours in a strong signal of the brand’s commitment to web3 — decided to restructure the organization and revisit their mission.

Tumult followed, and none of these three – Kiddest, the organization’s Community Manager, nor Cole and Ben, two of the Dreams Never Die co-founders – are at the organization any longer.

We dove into their stories, their passion for the work that Dreams Never Die was doing, and their continued belief in the importance of centering music and community in their work.