DeCent People Podcast With Cyber-Sleuth Erin Plante of Chainalysis

DeCent People Podcast With Cyber-Sleuth Erin Plante of Chainalysis

A fascinating conversation with cyber security expert Erin Plante on how to digitally copy a corporate dataset overnight without getting detected, how sending bags of cash in a taxi across Africa led her to to see the value in cryptocurrency and why she has a very light digital footprint.

Erin Plante is the senior director of investigations and special projects at blockchain forensics firm Chainalysis. She's had a fascinating career in cyber security, including two stints in Hong Kong where she helped ferret out executives of Western corporations who may have been illegally bribing Chinese officials. Think clandestine, overnight work that imaged entire corporate digital libraries without leaving a trace. She also worked in Africa on corruption investigations where she first understood that cryptocurrency could alleviate the problem of migrant workers having to send bags of cash back to their families in other parts of the continent. At Chainalysis she's worked on fascinating investigations like combating Russian hackers who use the Bitcoin blockchain to ensure their malware never goes offline. 

You can download and subscribe to the podcast here on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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Chainalysis's 2022 Crypto Crime Report

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